Structure of Stems, Roots and Leaves
Structure of Stems, Roots and Leaves: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Dicot Root, Anatomy of Dicot Stem, Anatomy of Leaf, Low-power Plan Diagram & High-power Detail Diagram etc.
Important Questions on Structure of Stems, Roots and Leaves
What is anatomy flowering plant?

Mention the importance of high power detail diagram while studying anatomy.

What is a high power detail diagram?

Draw the low power diagram of T.S of a dicot leaf.

What is a low power plan diagram?

Consider the following statements:
1. Epidermis and cortex of monocot root are similar to those of dicot root.
2. Hypodermis of dicot stem consists of sclerenchymatous cells.
3. The cells of bundle sheath in maize leaf serve as temporary storage cells.
4. The dicot leaf is hypostomatic.
Which of these statements are correct?

A dicot plant in which scattered vascular bundles are present in the stem is

The position of phloem in the leaf is: